Thursday, March 26, 2020

My Soapbox on Government (lack of) Commonsense & Consistency

Commonsense : sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts

Consistency : agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole.  

Hmm.  Anyone notice how our government, elected officials, often display a lack of common sense?  And, you know they have a whole crew of people working with them who could’ve raised an inquiring eyebrow - but for reasons that escape me, they don’t.  I live in Wisconsin so the spur of my soapbox today is Governor Ever’s ‘Safety in Place’ order.

Side rant:  try looking up the definition of safety-in-place vs shelter-in-place, it’s not out there (or, at least, it wasn’t as of 3-24-20).  Today, he did share a visual image of what it means indicating there is a real difference.  So, when various news outlets are reporting his ‘Shelter-in-Place order’ when that is incorrect the public react accordingly (and by react I mainly am referring to all the bitching and bickering on social media because that is primarily where people access the news these days). FYI - words matter.  Use them correctly!

My husband, working an essential job, had this beautiful day off.  The temp is supposed to be up to 50!  However, we’re expecting rain all afternoon.  So, he was quite eager to get out and go play a round of golf this lovely morning.  Ope!  Never mind.  Looks like that is going to be a no-go, honey.  Sorry!

From my Facebook post earlier today, which sums up my rant fairly well:

My poor husband. Off during outage and wanted to go golf - amid nothing but the squirrels, birds, and trees. Yesterday golf courses were considered like parks and trails - yet today, apparently........well, I guess not. There is greater risk of coming within 6 feet of many more people on a trail than on the course. Idiocracy!

There is no definition for the word Idiocracy, however, there should be.  I am using that word in reference to the movie by that name.  Look it up.  Watch it.  It’s funny - well, it was supposed to be.  I find it more terrifying than any Conjuring!

So, as far as consistency goes, I was on the phone with a coworker this morning.  We are remote workers and she happens to live in Florida.  Their wide-open beaches are closed.  Yet the narrower trails are open.  Did you know New York is in a state of shelter in place?  Ha!  What a joke!  No, apparently there are many flights coming into Florida from New York.  These folks are being met with local law enforcement telling them to ‘self’ quarantine.....never mind where they will ‘park it’ and all the stops they choose to make anywhere in between.  Note, from articles I’ve read the governor of Florida calls it a mandatory self-quarantine.....I’m trying to wrap my head around ‘mandatory’ and ‘self’ - mandatory means required by law.  But, what’s the point in requiring something If you’re not going to ensure it?  Sure, monetarily fine folks not adhering to this mandatory issuance - it’s after the fact - the damage is done.  If you’re going to make a law, ensure it!

So, if orders for shelter in place are warranted, it should be a country-wide operation (and folks, it is my opinion that a ‘safer in place’ should not even exist.  By example, rather than definition, it’s nothing more than a plea for people to stay home - same as before but now with a cherry on top).  Microscopic organisms have no sense of borders.  They don’t when they’re crossing the state line.  So, for one state to shelter in place while the neighboring states do not - then what is the point?  If you want to nip something in the bud that means you take drastic measures to get something over and done with quickly as opposed to this trickling effect, otherwise known simply as: following suit.

Furthering my soapbox spurred by our incompetent governor, bakeries, paint stores?  Window and glass stores.....I read a comment somewhere about how a business was able to call themselves essential because ‘once, a few years ago’ they had an order come in for a healthcare business.  If we allow businesses to delve deep to find ways to fit into the parameters set forth by our ‘no balls’ governor, then why bother setting any parameters at all.  Stop trying to appeal to the people! Elected officials are put in office to represent the people but they are also responsible for making the hard choices.  If he had a backbone at all he’d stop talking, stop imploring, and stop trying to be the peoples’ friend!  Do what needs to be done but if you’re going to do it - do it right.  Look ahead, map it out, and act accordingly now, not 4 weeks from now when you realize your inadequacy has cost folks a whole month of wages, activity, and SO much more!

Now, I’m not really sure how I feel about all the hype, to be honest.  I’m a bit outside of it all since I work from home and have discovered that my usual state - IS - a state of quarantine.  However, what I understand is that the healthy ones of us risk sharing the virus we may not know we have with the unhealthy.  There are far less unhealthy individuals in this country to which I think, why wasn’t having the unhealthy quarantine themselves the first step.  If my neighbor was ill with a current, or a history of, disease that puts them at risk, I’d happily deliver groceries to their porch, get their mail, pick up prescriptions, or anything else to help them.  Even if we still would’ve wound up on the current path, we could’ve helped minimize the initial spike of masses at the beginning of this ‘curve’ (many in hospitals at the start of this fray with the common cold since the symptoms are so similar).  It would have been equivalent to performing the least invasive procedure first (often done in the medical setting because it’s generally the least expensive option).  I am beginning to expand my soapbox so I’ll just have to end this ‘squirrel’ here.

To tidy this up a bit and get back on track (and understand this is my personal rant so please forgive any poor grammar or typos), our local government lacks common sense, as evidenced by those things in opposition:  the need for distancing ourselves from one another but wide-open golf courses (and beaches) are out while narrower trail paths in;  Or only opening essential businesses....such as bakeries - because people need their donuts (one of many examples). And, our national government lacks consistency, as evidenced by a shelter in place order in one state yet allows one to fly into another state where you will be let loose to tag as many people as possible.  Ready, set....GO!   (Ugh!  Even I cringe at my own jokes.).

Friday, October 12, 2018

My Soapbox About Correctly Teaching Teens to Make Their Own Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election

From October 29, 2016

(I'm importing some posts from a mixed use blog I've run for 13 years.  This post belongs on this blog.)

Consider This

I wrote this letter after witnessing what was supposed to be a neutral guide to educating young people on voting.  It wasn't neutral, to say the least.  This is....

Dear Editor,
I'd like to take this opportunity to share with the young people who are not yet of age to vote the importance of being informed and just what that means.  It won't be too long before you all are voters and I'm afraid that with all the publicity of presidential elections over the past couple of decades getting rather 'spicy' that you will not come to know the most important underlying considerations when casting your ballot one day.
First, know that everyone has an opinion.  Our opinions are influenced by our surroundings.  They are a result of our social interactions.  They are an estimation of the quality of something - not necessarily based on fact.  It becomes hard to separate fact from opinion when a great number of people share  similar opinions. This is where bias begins.  Bias is an opinion or attitude we have for or against something, and it stems mostly from our feelings about something rather than from rational thought.  Every single one of us is biased in some way or another.  The stronger our biases, the harder it is to differentiate fact from opinion.  
Many of our biases are handed down from opinions of our parents, teachers, leaders, friends, etc.  The most important thing is to examine the source of our biases.  Ask questions!  Ask 'Why do you believe this?' or 'Why do you think that...?'   Then, go and investigate, for yourself, if these claims are true, partially true, or skewed.
The internet is a wonderful thing, use it.  But, use it correctly.  Be smart.  Many of you have probably seen the quote and picture (of Abraham Lincoln) that reads:

"The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true".  - Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln lived from 1809 to 1865.  The internet came into being in the early 1980's.  Ultimately, everything you find on the internet was put there by a human.  Is the source you're reading from reputable?  How do you know?  Information found on the internet is not regulated for quality or accuracy.  The responsibility is yours to investigate internet sources and the claims made by those sources.
With regard to choosing a candidate you hope to become the next President of the United States make sure you not only validate your choice-candidates points-of-view, but that of the opposing candidate(s) as well.   If you're going to make a decision, that is informed, then you need to learn all you can, facts and fallacies alike, about all of your choices.
Please don't make a decision just because your favorite entertainer supports a particular candidate, or party.  If your favorite entertainer does support one candidate or party over another, be smart, find out why, and decide for yourself if you agree, or not.  You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't smart, so use what you have in your head to create your own mold, and to be a responsible voter.
It really isn't enough just to know all you can about both, or all, of the candidates.  You really need to understand how government works and how a president can affect change.  What is the presidents' job description?  As president will he/she have the autonomy to follow through with the changes he/she is proposing?  Or, will the president need the approval of congress in order to follow through with these changes?  Is congress aligned with either candidate so that proposed changes may take place or is congress aligned in a way that will prevent these changes from coming to fruition?
Once you know the candidates, and understand how the government works, you have to decide who to choose.  Do you want to choose a candidate whose stances are more in line with your own, or do you want to choose a candidate based on his/her ability to make changes that are the best for our country as a whole?  In other words, would you chose a candidate because of possible benefits for yourself alone, or for the good of the nation?  Or, if you find throughout your own investigation, that any of the candidates would make a good president, there are other questions you could ask yourself such as: What does this person's past performance indicate about his/her ability to be a good leader?  Does this person have the experience I think will make him/her a good leader?  What do I know of the people closest to this person;  Are the candidates' closest friends and advisers trustworthy?  Do I trust this person to make difficult decisions?
I hope you're able to see that in order to be a responsible contributor to the leadership of this country you have to do your own legwork.  Don't rely on others opinions when you are capable of thinking for yourself.  I hope this letter helps someone better understand the importance of being an individual.  You are capable of your own thought and decisions.

My Soapbox on the Use or Marijuana

I figure I can keep this relatively short....

Marijuana is naturally found in nature. How one uses it should be at ones discretion, like say....using dandelions to make dandelion tea or using aloe to soothe sunburns. Considering it CAN alter ones perceptions the only thing that should be ‘fine-able,’ (yeah - I’m coining that) is operating any device that can cause any harm to another. Heck, if you want to jeopardize your own life, it’s not my place to stop you, though I (or anyone) may be morally obligated to make sure you know the possible repercussions. At any rate, it’s a natural substance....have I mentioned that yet?  Natural grow it yourself FOR yourself. It’s not to be sold. It’s not for profit. Unless you’re selling a single plant so another may grow their own. I don’t believe it should be mass-produced or mass-harvested. It’s a natural-freaking-plant-found-in.....NATURE. 

(Unlike ALCOHOL that is NOT natural in it’s ready state, that alters ones perceptions in the same manner....yet IS legal. I sometimes cannot make sense of how a natural substance has millions in jail for USE alone, and a product that is man-made can be legal... especially considering the fact the NATURAL substance is NO WHERE NEAR AS ADDICTIVE.)

Well, there you have it.

My Soapbox on Explicit Sex Scenes in YA Books

A Facebook page I follow asked readers to perpend and respond concerning the inclusion of explicit sexual scenes in books designated Young Adult.  Following is my response.  I find this a very worthy discussion, one for which I have yet to reach a conclusion.

I wrote:  The older I get, and my kids as well, my opinion changes.  I recently fond myself having a specific conversation with my 13 year old son (who has 2 older brothers - so, very different in terms of 'maturity' than his eldest brother at 13).  He told me if he'd continued 'dating' his 'ex girlfriend' they probably would've had sex before the end of the school year.  As much as I wanted to 'go of' (as in 'You had better not!') I internally rolled my eyes and found myself having an open conversation with him about the circumstances in which he will one day find himself.  Basically, I told him he, nor she, should have regrets on their first time when looking back on their lives from an adult perspective. 

This stems from my personal experience, compared to many books I've read with both explicit sex scenes and scenes that leave one 'knowing' but without all the detail.  (I think authors who can do that are very talented and for that I have much respect.  Ex:  Kathleen Woodiwiss.)

I find myself looking back and thinking that if I knew then, what I know now, I would know exactly what I want, what I expect/demand in a sexual partner (not to say it needs to be an act of love, I don't think it's at all necessary, and (maybe, or) maybe not wise, to only ever experience sex with the person you intend to marry), and hold them to it, or turn them away.  Note, that would take a level of self-control I'm not sure I had throughout my teens, 20's & 30's.

But on the flip side, when nothing is left to the imagination, what is there left to explore on your own?  Having reached that point earlier in life, one may become desensitized to thoughts and the seeking out of sexual interaction.  If that happens at a younger age than is generally accepted, then in (my) theory, the YA's can move forward without the preoccupation (that many have suffered) with both the desire to have sex, and the somewhat outdated idea of finding a mate as a priority in life.  This can leave them free to get educated and be more focused, travel, make waves (hopefully productive ones) as part of having a sound idea of who they are, and not who society (as perceived by the individual) expects them to be.  In other words, it could help make them more independent earlier on in their lives.


A lot of other people commented on the fact that teens/kids are introduced to sex via different media such as TV, movies, school - health classes, the internet, etc.  As a result we shouldn't make is 'taboo' which will only drive them to be more interested.  Others suggested parents read those books first and then either sensor (scenes or whole book) or discuss the scenes before letting the kid read the book.  And many suggestions were that books should have a rating system similar to TV and film.  All thoughts have merit and the suggestions for warning are spot on, in my opinion.